Monday, July 18, 2011

Classical Go Your Own Way Arrangement?

I made this in music class and it took me quite a few hours for my culminating using Finale 2008 and adding trumpet, baritone horn, guitar, bass, piano, alto sax, tenor sax, flute, and clarinet and it just sounds so awesome I'd like to share it, check it out here and tell me what you think :)

My 3 month old is constipated, what can i do?

She is 3 months and 2 weeks, she didn't poop yesterday and is trying to today, she is very uncomfortable and trying to force it out. She is making herself turn red and only getting a tiny bit out. Its very solid. She is formula fed and is on Similac sensitive. Super fussy and its making me sad!

Ik this is in the wrong category ... But, ?

Okay ik this is in the wrong category but i'' puttuing it in deifferent so i'll get more answers. But okay i ordered a blackberry from walmart & fed ex will bring it.. Okay it left pennsylvania at 1 am.. And it's currently 10. Pennsylvania is only 5 hours from where i live ;; do you think it will come today? Even thoo its expected tmmrw? Thanksssssssss (:

Why does Samaritan's Purse spend more gov't monies on "evangelising" than actual aid in disaster relief?

Why has the Jerry Lewis telethon raised over 2 billion dollars for muscular dystrophy yet nothing has been accomplished with that money??

Doctor Who explanation on the summer finale? Spoilers.?

Okay I just watched "A Good Man Goes to War" and am completely lost. It's not enough that River is the most confusing thing in the world but then they had to throw her being Amy and Rory's daughter into the mix. How the hell is this possible, just explain everything because I'm completely lost.

Medical entry test in pakistan and difference between entry test of different provinces of pakistan?

i am very much trying to enter a government medical college.therefore i want to that if anyone here has given this test in nwfp or punjab or of agha khan medical college.plz plz tell me about that.i am sick of thinking of this test and there is no website avalible as per my search to provide me with an old paper of this entry test.and plz also if can tell me that what is the difference btw the entry tests of different provinces.and also about it a medical university and if yes then a government or a private.plz tell me as i hve very little knowlege about thest university.i am from federal board.

I need to do this for a school project and have no idea what any mean can someone define them?

Instead of having other people do it for you, google each one. There are bound to be dictionary entries and Wikipedia articles just waiting to be read.

Will zero no tsukaima have a season 4? if yes, then pls tell me when it will be released?

In season 3 final episode, it didnt really feel like a finale.... All they did was save someone and shoot a damn big *** ************ with armour and sword.... Plus they didnt show the end of the war and there are somethings one guy said that made me thing that there will be a season 4..... Thats why I ask, will there be a damn zero no tsukaima season 4?

Help with this math problem?

you need to substitute in x+5=y if y is the longest side and x is the shortest... i could solve it if u told me which sides were long and which were short

How do you know when to use the sine rule or the cosine rule?

i know how to use the rule itself, but i don't know how to identify a triangle that needs cosine or please!

Who thought the season finale of the mob wives was hilarous?

first of all renee was talking about she wanted front row seats and she wanted to be up close to the action between drita and karen ha she doesnt know how close she was goign to get i never saw someone fight ON TOP of somebody i laughed so hard i cried llooll

Schedule M-1 for Federal 1120's tax form and dividends?

If a corporation received dividends from an affiliated corporation, are these funds included on the Schedule M-1 form? If so, which line would they be included on?

Changing high school's between QLD and NSW year 11.?

I might be moving to NSW soon, and have just finished my 1st half of year 11, in QLD. I still have 1 year and a half, before i receive my QCS, and OP. If i was to move to NSW will this affect me, in receiving the HSC that they receive in their finale year? or is there some sort of transferring system, because i am doing well in my subjects: ITN, PHYSICS, MATH B, MATH C, CHEMISTRY, and BORDE ENGLISH.

My betta hasn't eaten in 4 days?

Was given a betta for a gift on Saturday in a glass bowl. I bought a new 1.5 gallon tank and put him in there yesterday with fresh water. Fed him and he didn't eat -cleaned that out and fed him again this morning and he still hasn't eaten... should I be worried? What can I do?

How will law and order ci end?

does any one have any spoilers for the finale i want to know if goren will end up with his partner

Should I sell my horse?

I think I already know the answer and just need to be talked into it! We have 4 horses - too many for our small place, really, although we keep them well fed. Two of them came to us free and as a total surprise - they are lovely Dutch Warmbloods. There is a lady here in town who would like to buy the mare (who is my sweetheart) for her pony club daughter -- BUT I don't really ride anymore (I'm heavy and out of shape and a little scared). I do some training with her (really enjoyed getting her past a fear of being bridled and unbridled - that was some hard work! I think she'd been hurt by the bit at one time and was really scared) and adore her, but I guess she'd be better off with the pony club girl. The problem is that I really don't like my husband's two geldings - one is nippy and mean, and the Warmblood is very big and high spirited so I don't even enjoy working with them. My daughter WOULD ride this mare, but she has a horse of her own that is her "main" interest. *sigh*

How can the justice dept. sue for asking for too much documentation before hiring?

Rules are Rules! if they don't follow them, they get slapped with a lawsuit and fine. I'm glad the Justice Department is doing their job.

What was the song playing in the season finale of Borthers and Sisters when Nora quotes George Eliot?

Nora quotes “It’s never too late to be what you might have been". What was the song playing?

Who will take over for the FTC concerning criminal debt collectors ?

I understand that the FTC's limited legal authority has led to the development of a new department that will impose greater fines in the millions and prison terms for criminal debt collectors that violate federal and state law. How will this apply to the thousands of third party citizens who have received threats to extort money especially when they have zero debts , are not associated or obligated to the debtor , and have requested numerous times not to be contacted by a debt collector. My question pertains to the practices of Worldwide Recoveries , LLC and the numerous aliases they go by. Also is there a national forum for people across the nation to report on Worldwide Recoveries activity ?

Breaking up with your child's father?

hey, this happened to me a year ago with an ex except i wasnt pregnant, i just got up one day and i left because once a cheat always a cheat men like that don't ever change hunny, don't let this litle immature boy stress you an your baby out anymore grab your things and go somewhere nice maybe family members or close friends or get his things whilst hes out and throw them out and lock the doors your a strong woman and you can do so much better than this trust me dont let him do this to you.... good luck hun x

Did you enjoy the Lost series finale?

I enjoyed the Lost series and the ending was alright. I know a lot of people that didnt like it but i thought it was alright. The way i see it, at least they ended the series by finishing the story instead of it getting canceled like most of the tv shows these days that i like.

Animal rights questions?

Read on if you want,But I'm giving my honest opinion about human dominance over animals.First off,I think it's very wrong to think we dominate other animals,because we are animals.Most of this is aimed at dog/cat abusers and hunters.For dogs,I dont count my dog as a pet,but more of a companion.I'm not an abusive breeder,I make sure he has water and food.I've owned two dogs,and one was killed in a car accident,and I've had my current for over 5 years.For cats,I've had about 3 previous cats,one not directly residing in my household.My first cat,I met in 4th grade while going to school.It has a sort of green goop all over one of its eye.But anyway,I took it in and bred it until one day it ran away and I never saw it again.My other cat was given to me by my cousin.It was a little grey and white cat who was adorable.I had him while I had my dog for about 2 years.He died I think August 20,08.I believe he ate bug poison left out by an extermination company and died soon after because I found his body sprawled out on the lawn.And my last recent cat came after I moved back in from a hotel.I found it walking around on the grass and suprsingly when I held my hand out to it it came to me.So for about a month I fed it and make a bed for it in my carport(I couldnt bring it in because my grandma wouldnt let it in,which I would have defidentally let him in if I could)and he ran off like my first cat.As for hunters,I mean hunters that kill animals just for fun.This is also why I dont think morons should be able to carry guns.They shoot and kill wild animals,squirrels,rabbits,bears.Now if it was in self defense,I wouldnt mind it but I mean just shooting to have blood on your hands.It makes me sick.Disagree with me if you want,but killing one of God's creations for no reason just doesnt appeal to me.Animal abuse in general,I think whatever one does to an animal should be done to that person,including death.Leave your opinion on abuse,but dont say your an animal abuser and you're proud of it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What would a Conservative Utopia of "privatization of EVERYTHING" look like?

conservatives are not against the federal government that is the libertarians, you silly liberal douche

Do u think I need to see a therapist?

Ok so here it is. I am an 18 year old girl who just finished high school. I have gone through some hard timed in my life. My step mother was alwas hiting me cussing me. Yelling at me, etc. My dad never stood up for me. He just told me to put up with it. I lost all respect for him. But I always had my mom there to help me out through all that. She was my best friend, my world. I loved her so much, with all my heart. I was finale able to move in with her 2 years ago. And... Last year she died.... Now as u can imagine I am sad all the time. Now here is what I am trying to get at. I have always bee mentile suicidle. Een when my mom was alive. Now it is geting to where I just can't stand it anymore. U see. I hold on all my anger , sadness, frustration, etc. I hold it all in. My aunt who I am living with now wants me to go see a therapist. Do u think I should? Would it help? Would I feel better if I did?

HELP! I think I fed my baby bird too much!?

what do I do? its a baby house sparrow and you can see the food in its stomach. Is there anyway to remove some of the food? Or is it just tired? It cant stand up and falls over but its breathing...please help?:(

Will Make it or Break it Come back on?

When the Spring Premiere 2011 ended, it didn't say anything about Make It or Break it returning in the fall/winter. Also, the ending was good enough that it could have been the season finale....Is make it or break it coming back on? if so, when?

How do you find sine, cosine, and tangent without a calculator?

i was wondering in case i forgot my calculator in trig and my teacher said there is no way but i was still wondering if there really was

I need some help with Pre Calculus/Trig?

Use the formula for lowering powers to rewrite the expression in terms of the first power of cosine: cos^2 (5x) Sin^4 (5x). Thank you! :)

The song title in the last episode (series finale) of Lost?

Alrighty, I've started watching Lost AGAIN and the piece they play when the Ocean 815 people remember their island memories always makes me cry. I've been searching all night for the piece name but I can't find it! Does anyone know what it's called, please??? Thank You! :)

Should I find a new tennis coach?

practice makes perfect, you can do anything alone. Thats what I tell myself when my parents drink and yell at me.

How do I find the exact value of this trigonometric function?

sec 3pi / 2 . I know all about the unit circle and (cos, sin) = (x,y) and tan = y/x and cot = x/y. But how do you find the trigonometric function when they give you the cosine inverse? Some steps and brief explanation would be much appreciated! Thank you!

My 6 week old son wont sleep during the day - beyond frustrated!!?

Sounds colicky. So get some Little Tummys Gripe water or Colic Calm. This should help him sleep better. Also hold off on the feedings just a little, maybe he isn't eating enough to really feel him up so he doesn't rest very good. Buy a swaddler blanket and wrap him in that. Whenever you lay him down, even though it is not suggested, lay him on his side, with a rolled up towel or blanket behind him. This will make him feel as if someone is there. When you put the towel behind him make sure you put down near his underarms. That way if he rolls over by any chance it will not be in his face. We had to use the gripe water on my son and we had to lay him on his side to get him to sleep. Hope these help you. Good luck.

Help me with my heartbreak?

you did exactly the right thing. do the classic, curl up in sweat pants watch romcoms and eat ben and jerrys. it really works :) x

How many times do you feed a baby bird a day?

a baby bird fell out of it's nest this morning, so i put it in a shoebox and gave it some water and fed it some little peices of worms. its really young and it barley even has feathers yet. also its right eye looks like its glued shut. in all, i've fed it 3 whole worms today, but they are pretty small fishing worms. i dont know if this is too much food or too little. also, are worms the right food to be feeding a baby?

Are my ducklings sick?

They're laying down together alot, just sitting down. They eat and drink water, I take let them soak in the sun for three hours in a pool but when after they're dry and fed they just sit down. For long time. ARe they sick???? They're about a month old. Two of them.

Feels like something in my eye, after taking contacts out?

Alright so here's my problem. For the past few MONTHS i've been having problems with my eyes and feels like there is something in both of them. It definitely feels like particles are in my eyes, after I take out my contacts and some times very rarely I feel them when my contacts are in. If I blink hard I can feel the particles moving around, but if I don't they seem to settle behind my eye. I have tried eye drops, flushing, pulling my lid down, but that's about it. My eye exam dude looked at them, and he said they didn't see anything, and my eye looks perfect. Any suggestions on what to do to get it out? I am seriously fed up with having this stuff in my eyes... there is DEFINITELY something in there, I just cannot get it out. Also, when changing out my contacts I noticed there was a hole in one a few months ago, maybe that is in one of my eyes. I don't know for sure, but does anyone have any more suggestions? Maybe there is a product to dissolve the particles lol?

Domestic Violence convition dismissed 1203.4 and firearms?

I understand having your domestic conviction in California expunged by 1203.4 does not restore firearm rights, aside from the 10 year state ban there is also a lifetime prohibition, however, I found this flyer on the ATF website here: that says if you have it expunged and the court restores your rights you MAY possess a firearm. If I retain an attorney, and at my local superior court can get the judge to restore my firearm rights early of the 10 year rule, would this also lift the federal prohibition?

How to find a degree in a triangle?

When dealing with cosine sine tangent and all that junk how do u find a cirtins vertex's degree of angle when the hypotinuse is 87 and the oppisite ( i believe its on the bottem) is 72 please help im lost.

Should i threaten the guy thats been hurting my best friend?

I'd say talk to the girlfriend...but then again if you talk to the girlfriend ad it leads them to breakup then he will go crying to your friend and your friend will obviously take him. ANd then what if he blames her for him and his gf's boyfriend? Try to get your friend to meet new guys nd possibility if you can get a guy to text him to sty the F away from her.

Would you rather be able too...?

Average less then 1 point, Rebound, Steal, Assist and Blocks and shoot less then 35% overall but somehow win 8 Championships

I'm vietnamese so my english doesn't fluently i have a question about the movie House on AXN channel?

i watched HOUSE SEASON 7 , i watched the finale of this movie last week, i think this movie obsessed me , i always think about this movie ,so ... WILL IT HAVE HOUSE SEASON 8 ? .Thank you to everybody who help me with this questions

Was anyone else disappointed in the season finale of "The Killing"?

I was very disappointed. I was VERY much liking the Richmond did it twist and how everything was starting to come together. I was mightily pissed that it seemed like Holder was a bad guy at the end.

Collection agency doing a Bank Garnishment?

Should a collection agency sue you for a medical bill for $300 and you have been making monthly payments, they get a judgement.....Can they garnish a bank account that I am list as a signor only? I do not have a personal bank account of my own but listed on a business account as a signor. My understanding is the account is listed under a federal tax id number.

How good are vacation feeder blocks?

Vacation feeders work great. However you do need to make sure your pH is from 6.8-7.4. If the pH gets to high your feeders won't dissolve on a schedule to release the food. If its too low, it will dissolve too fast and your fish may get hungry.

Equation for moon phases?

If the angle between the Moon and the Sun is θ, then the illuminated fraction of the Moon's surface is given by (1 - cosθ)/2.

Are cockatiels high maintenance?

They get kinda big and their bites really hurt. They aren't that pretty anyway. I wouldn't get them. I have 2 trained parakeets an they're awesome

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is the nike5 bomba finale worth it?

is the nike5 bomba finale any good. if yes or no tell me why.Also what are some other good turf soccer shoes for around 100$

My 3 month old kitten wont stop trying to nurse on my skin...?

she tries to nurse on my hands, arms and face...her mom abandoned her and was bottle fed and taken care of. I feel bad pushing her away when she tries to nurse because i feel like she is looking for comfort...but its very annoying and it keeps me up at night. Is there anything I can do to discourage her from trying to nurse on me? I have heard that you can try to get the kitten to nurse on blankets but im not sure how to get her to do it.

What do you think of latest news out of Mexico Mexican priest alleges mass kidnapping of Central American?

I guess if they determine this to be a true story and any of these acts to be at all related to one another, then it is sad indeed, but has nothing to do with the US immigration laws except that people believe they have to enter Mexico and other central american countries on their way to enter illegally into the US because our govt wont make it easier and just let them in in the first place.

For those that have seen Lost?

Not all of them. Jack's Dad tells him some died before Jack, some *long after* him. Jack dies at the end, and people that died before him are in the Church, but so are people who are still alive when he dies. In the realm where the plane doesn't crash, it's time-less people that out-live Jack die later, but enter the time-less setting with the Church eventually.

I fed my cat pancakes and she died. Is it considered bestiality to "use" her body?

I mean i havent lost my v-card and i wanna know what its like. i mean i know that i could get sick or a virus or something but im not worried. my cat was always a good cat. i dont think she was throwing HER "cat" at anyone. So i just wanna know. and PLEASE no sarcastic answers because if its not i wanna get going. my girlfriend refuses. she says i should just **** my cat and so she died so why not?

Boy Meets World: What Season did Corey finally ask Topanga out? I watch the old reruns and after 3 runs still?

ik you prob don't want to read all this but heres a link to wikipedia it has a run down of the seasons and ik not the most reliable source but oh well. plus i don't remember much haven't watched the show in yrs

Aiuto domanda su calcio?

Nella Finale Di Champions League ho visto indossare da Messi le nuove F50 gielle e blu , volevo sapere se andranno in vendita e quando ! Grazie in anticipo :)

Which is a better music writing program, Finale or Sibelius?

I want to invest in a music writing software program, and I don't know whether I should get Finale PrintMusic 2011 ($88 from Amazon) or get Sibelius 6 Student ($82 from Amazon). I want to compose some classical types of music, so the more staves the better. I don't really need to scan pieces of music but it's a nice feature. I would like to spend around $100 and cannot afford the $500 Finale Academic version or else I would get it. I would like some good reviews but Amazon only had a few for each program. Any ideas?

Dot product of f ' (t) and f (t)?

Using the product rule 2f ′(t) · f(t)=(f (t) · f(t))' = [(cos^2 + sin^2 + a^2t^2)/(1+a^2t^2)]' = [(1+a^2t^2)/(1+a^2t^2)]' = 1' = 0.

Will you pretty please help me because I don't understand?

Tangents, sines, and cosines are trigonometric functions. A tangent is equal to the ratio of the sides (other than the hypotenuse) opposite and adjacent to an angle in a right triangle. A sine is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right triangle) to the hypotenuse. A cosine is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse. Also learn the Law of Sines, the Law of Cosines, and maybe some trigonometric identities.

Is this a violation of federal election laws?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Mtv online live for free ?

is there any way i can watch mtv uk onine live for free as i want to watch geordie shore later as it is the the finale!!! thanks

What do you think of an Orlando Tea Party Republican angling for a commuter-rail project in his district?

Pure Progressive make work crap. The commuters themselves can pay for it and the private company needed to build and maintain it. This is not the governments business

ANIMAL LOVER. What would you do in this situation?

I have a friend who call me all the times and tell me a story step by step about her dogs, her neighbor's dogs and she never finish. First she is crying because her bird died, next she told all about her cat, the cat died also. Next she talks about one dog she picked up from the street because the owner said he was going to kill him. Now the dog is sick and her husband is fed up with. She already has another big dog which she can't afforded. As much as I love animals, I told her that the only thing I could do was loan her $100. so she could take the dog to the vet. Well this is happened on Friday and she said she will comes on Saturday. She didn't call Saturday or Sunday. Today she called me and to tell you the truth I'm afraid to call her because she goes on and on telling me the story how the dog is sick. She does not talk only about her dog but all the neighbor's dogs. What make me mad is that she doesn't stop and keep telling me over and over. I had a heart attack 4 months ago and last night I was so mad I could not sleep. The fact is that when she founded the dog she should had called the SPCA or animal shelter and report the owner. This is the story that goes on and on and I really tire of it. The same day the nurse came to see me and told the story of how sad she was sad because she left 3 or 4 dogs in the shelter and they stays crying and now she missed the dogs OMG WHAT I'm suppose to do? Your advice will appreciated.

What can i do about this situation?

About two years ago i broke my girlfreinds trust and revealed very personal information(about past abuse) about her to a mutual freind and my mum. I didnt do it to be malacious, i just needed someone to talk to about it. I really regret and am really sorry, my girlfreind still holds it against me, she says that i have made it really difficult for her to face my freind. I am fed up of lving with the guilt and worry, what do i do?

Can the sine and cosine rule be used for right angled triangles as well?

Yes, both rules can be used on any triangle at all, but with right-angled triangles it's likely there will never be a case where that is necessary, as the normal 'SOHCAHTOA' should be able to do whatever you need. This is because right-angled triangles are a special case, where some of the rules cancels out. For example, for the cosine rule, a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bcCos(A), if A = 90, then Cos(A) = 0, since Cos(90) = 0. This thus removes the '-2bcCos(A)' and you get the normal Pythagoras' theorem.

How Do I Track My PS3?

ok so my ps3 has been delivered to texas, but i am getting it serviced so at some point that will have to return it. Is there anyway that i can track the return process. This is via fed ex btw.

My boss is a pervert...what should i do?

Is there any way that you can plant some sort of "nanny cam" in your office, or his, wherever this behavior takes place? You can also try to record the conversations. Also, document everything he does, date, time, place, if there were any witnesses, etc. Once you have a good amount of proof, you need to take copies of it to the human resources department and report him. If they try to blow you off, let them know that you aren't afraid to get your own lawyer and report him. If you make the information public, he can and will lose his license to practice the law, they are very tough on ethics and lawyers! Also, you need to tell him that you don't like what he's doing, he may take your silence to mean that it's ok or at least that you won't tell, and that's what he's counting on. He gets off on your fear and the power he has to keep you silent, don't let him win this!


i purchased dell inspiron N5010 in may 2011 and it is always ready with a new its first week i had to reinstall all softwares n programmes due to unknown suddenly bluetooth disappeared i dont know where!! dell stage applications are not working properly DELL DOCK IS LOST NUMERIC PAD IS NOT WORKING ALONG WITH KEYS F1 F2 ETC. IT TAKES LOT OF TIMES TO START . I ALWAYS UPDATE WITH LATEST UPDATE BUT IT ALWAYS REMAINS IN THIS HORRIBLE STATE. I'M FED UP, CAN ANYONE HELP, SUGGEST MEWT HAS HAPPENED TO IT.

Can i sue a newspaper?

in 2008 FBI raided my familys house with allegations of human trafficing,money laundering,social security fraud and a foced abortion (allegations were agains my parents),my parents faced 108 criminal counts and 50years+ in federal prison. With the help of our attorneys we were able to build a strong defense in wich we went to mexico to interview several alleged slaves, whom all sided with us, saying there was no such abuse, even the woman who was allegedly foced to abort brought along documents stating it was an ectopic pregnancy that had to be terminated, NOT an abortion. The government later too dropped the money laundering charges because they admitted it was a mistake, and as it turns out one by one the charges began to fall...eventually 107 of the 108 charges were dropped because the government could not back up its allegations. the one count was for having an undocumented employee working with us for two months( ). Several even grander allegations were reported by a hispanic news paper based in Los Angeles which exaggerated stories and even went as far as claiming my family had a contracted hit man working for us. the reporter who wrote these news paper articles claims she did some investigative reporting with some supposed slaves and collaberated with the FBI in their investigation, it turns out she was interviewing two disgruntled employees who wanted to gain legal residency from this. i want to know if i can effectively sue a news paper for not doing a detailed investigation on such a heavy case? what can i do? do i have a case? might the FBI be liable as well?

Why does my son leave his two dogs in a cage to starve?

I visited my 30 year old son house two days ago and he has to beautiful dogs but I was disgusted at what I saw, his two dogs are so thing and starved to death. I think they will die in starvation if he doesn't feed them, I have talked to him about it and he said that it's none of m business and it's his dogs and he will feed them when he thinks they deserved to be fed. I told him he could go to jail and he just ignored me, what can I do? This is cruelty. II love my son but I seriously think I will throw up if I go over his house to see walking dog skeletons.

Best way to write guitar sheet music in Finale?

I'm thinking I'll be writing notes first, then go back and edit the tablature that Finale automatically adds (but tends to "guess" incorrectly for complex classical forms). Just wanted to see if anyone had a better suggestion.

Why is President Obama violating federal campaign finance laws by filming for fundraisers in the White House?

Oh...uh...there is an actual law? I'm not surprised at all that our current administration is oblivious to the legalities of our nation.

Is rick ross the realest rapper ever?

even before he was a rap he was a hardcore hustler. in fact he was such a hardcore hustler that he became a fed and hustled and balled from the inside. can any other rapper say that?

My Soft Coral Gone Skinny?

Corals will often deflate for a day or two if their surroundings change (i.e. water parameters, lighting, current). How long has it been like this? Also, adding a picture would help me identify the type of coral and what you mean by "skinny".

How long does it take for a new season of a TV show to start airing?

I saw the season finale of Camelot the other day and I want to know when the new season will start. I don't really get into TV much but Camelot is the s*it, so I wouldn't know how they deal with seasons and all the scheduling.

Speaking to an Army recruiter for the first time?

I've been doing lots of research about joining the army recently. I'm 25 and basically fed up with my career as a correctional officer, looking for some possible change. Very few jobs in the army interest me at this point in my life with the exception of military intelligence. Now based on what I've read in articles and online it seems if anything the army is downsizing, or at least is swamped with recruits. I have yet to speak with a recruiter. When I do is it wrong to basically tell him I'm only interested in a select few jobs, mainly 35M (Human Intelligence Collector) and that if I cannot have that job I'm basically not interested? From my perspective I'm giving up a good salary and my future pension (I've got 5 years in) to join the army, therefore I'm not willing to "settle" on what they have available. I would rather wait or simply not join. This may seem rude or demanding, but I'm just being very upfront, as I expect them to be with me since I view recruiters as looking out for the best interests of the military while I'm looking out for mine and my wife's best interests. Should I even bother going in to talk to him at this point?

I am at dying stage becoz of my love.any kind hearted people give advice.quite big,but need ur advice plz.?

Try to understand him...he is yr life partner not frnd..think...if u r in his place than wt u do?..i can understand that,u'll also feel one can tolrate d relation of their partner with think only u can understand him..try to make him happy..i'll wish for u..take care..

How do you know which trigonometric ratio to use with a given angle measure and side length?

The angle measure is 27 degrees and its on the far angle. The side length is 0.8 which is on the hypotenuse.I dont know whether to use sine cosine or tangent to find the answer.

Trigonometry help please!?

Can you help me explain why the sine or cosine of an angle can only take on values ranging between +1 inclusive

Problems with my Casio fx-115 ES?

Im trying to find the inverse of a cosine u know Cos^-1 but it keeps coming up error and i dont know what to do

Math revision help please?

I have got a math test in 2 weeks and I really want to pass. It's mainly on trigonometry in triangles like cosine sine rule etc and algebraic operations. Does anyone have any good math sites for what I'm looking to revise and maybe even extra print off sheets. Also I get really stressed and worried what can I do to feel calm during the test. This tests means a lot. Thanks for your help.

Are stats overrated when comparing some players like kobe and lebron and other stars?

no, personally i think carmelo is the best in the nba because if the most important quarter is the 4th, theres nobody in the world id trust more then melo, numbers: highest field goal percentage in the game.

It is really setting me back in the dating game?

I have an extremely hard time being social. Whenever I am at a party (that does not envolve my close friends) I tend to sit by myself and bide my time. When people ask me something I don't know how to respond to it other than small one liners. I don't feel I have anything to say and find myself being fed up for even going to these parties. I would like to become more social. How can I change?

Friday, July 15, 2011

What did you think of the killing season finale?

I was angry! Nothing was solved, and I was SO hoping it would be Richmond. I thought we would know who killed Rosie by the end of the season, and the next season would be a new case. It left me totally handing!!!...and yet, I kind of like that. Love-hate relationship with this episode, and the whole show in fact.

Do you think this is a good build for a desktop?

Yep. There's an Enermax Liberty 550w on for $45 right now. Looks good. You could grab DDR3-1333 with no heatsink for $40 since it really makes no difference.

How would you feel if you were in my place?

I was friends with this girl. We used to share so much with each other and eventually we became roommates. Then I saw her true colors. She was so needy. Literally, there was nothing this girl could do by herself. My other roommates and I would have to wait on her all the time. From reaching things for her on the top shelf, to walking her to the laundry room. She would make me wait to do things on her schedule, make me hold her stuff when we were shopping and everything. She would cut you off to talk about herself and blatantly ignore you when you were talking to her. It became excruciating for all of us. But because I cannot say no to people, she took the most advantage of me. I eventually just got fed up and stopped doing things for her. I mean, I'm not obligated. I was her roommate, not her mom. When I stopped she started to distance herself from me, She wouldn't talk to me about anything personal anymore. She completely cut me out of her personal life. The only time she would ever talk to me is when she needed my class notes or help with her homework. I don't miss her or anything, at all. She was a pain in the ***, and I'm honestly better off without her. We don't even speak anymore. But at the same time, I can't help but feel hurt. To this day, she leaves me out of plans she makes with my friends and she treats me like I did something to harm her. She's been ignoring me and I feel like she doesn't have the right to be mad at me. The worst part is that she's still close with my friends and I'm afraid I'll have to face her in the future. If it were you, how would you act towards her now? Also, do you think that I am also being selfish? Please, any constructive help would be greatly appreciated.

Will I be investigated by the FBI for buying this book online?

No, I'm overly paranoid all the time like that too. But they won't. There are way too many people buying stuff like that online every second that they would never have the time to. Now, if you have a blog where you talk about actually doing stuff like him or how great he was, then yeah, they would probably look into that, lol. It's cool, what I do when I'm paranoid is come up with a legitamit excuse just in case I was being watched by someone. But you are allowed to buy whatever you want on the internet...except illegal stuff...because it's illegal.

16 and pregnant season 3 finale?

Allie and joey, anyone know where i can watch this online in Ireland? i can get every episode but this one :(

Ok so how do you LEGITIMATELY think POKEMON WILL END?????? 10 Points to best answer!!!!!!?

I agree it probably won't end in our lifetime(15) and if Ash gets old to the audience, nothing is stopping them from using a new protagonist. Bit I think it would be a movie where all the regions were affected by some evil legendary instead of the current one.

What was the most meaningless game ever played in regular season pro sports?

My friends and I were discussing this - what could be the worst/most meaningless game that was ever played in professional sports? For instance, was there a season finale that was between two teams that were terrible? Perhaps two teams with 0 wins in the NFL. It could be any sport. We just want to know if there ever was a game played in a regular season that featured the two worst teams and was completely meaningless...?

Doctor Who explanation on the summer finale? Spoilers.?

Okay I just watched "A Good Man Goes to War" and am completely lost. It's not enough that River is the most confusing thing in the world but then they had to throw her being Amy and Rory's daughter into the mix. How the hell is this possible, just explain everything because I'm completely lost.

Brothers & Sisters tonight?

I�ve heard it�s not just the season finale, but the total finish of the whole show? Anyone know anymore? I would sooo miss it!

What Should I Do help me (friend probs)?

I think I'm a quite forgiving person but I'm just fed up of having arguments everyday I just want to get on with my life ; have a laugh,get good grades,make friends and more.Theres this girl and she's bullied two people but I thought she got a bit nicer but I guess not because everyday someone in a group as an argument with her it's all laughs, true friends and support with out her.Anyway today we had a break time without her (she went off but FINE WITH US) and we had the funniest time ever with our to friends that are boys (dw just friends lol) and i've been hanging round with this girl she don't like and she says oh shes taking u away when i really like this girl cos she is nice and a gd friend and btw she's the kind of friend that does things to someone and they dont like it but nofihappenses but when it happens 2 her its a MASSIVE crisis and she also asked out my bf as soon as i dumped him.ANYWAY, basicly what should i do she just said can we be mates but i rlly dont no what 2 do x

The guy I'm with doesn't make much semen?

Has he had a vasectomy? Because this may very well affect his ejaculation. If not, he should see a doctor.

I'm vietnamese so my english doesn't fluently i have a question about the movie House on AXN channel?

i watched HOUSE SEASON 7 , i watched the finale of this movie last week , i think this movie obsessed me, i always think about it , i'm very sad about love of Cuddy And House so.. WILL IT HAVE HOUSE SEASON 8 ? thank you to everybody who help me with this questions

How Do I Track My PS3?

ok so my ps3 has been delivered to texas, but i am getting it serviced so at some point that will have to return it. Is there anyway that i can track the return process. This is via fed ex btw.

What can i do about this situation?

About two years ago i broke my girlfreinds trust and revealed very personal information(about past abuse) about her to a mutual freind and my mum. I didnt do it to be malacious, i just needed someone to talk to about it. I really regret and am really sorry, my girlfreind still holds it against me, she says that i have made it really difficult for her to face my freind. I am fed up of lving with the guilt and worry, what do i do?

My guinea pig. and treats :)?

one thing you must know about guinea pigs is that they know when they are full. dont be afraid of feeding them too much or getting them fat because when they are full they stop eating. so if you feed him a few apple slices and he eats it all, you could try something else for a little and eventually he will stop. dont force feed him, he knows when he is hungry. as for the treats, im not sure if they are really bad for them as most people think. i would do some research on that but i think it is similar to food but is not to replace their food

Watch Game of Thrones season 1 finale online can you please tell me where?

can you please tell me where can i watch the game of thrones season 1 finale online? Any season 2 information?

Glee season 2 finale, did you find it boring?

I have to agree with you. I thought it was a rubbish episode. Way too many songs that I mainly fast forwarded (I recorded it and watched it later) and not enough dialogue and it didn't feel like it ended on any cliffhangers. I was wondering about Quinn's plan aswell I though she was going to sabotage Rachel or something but nothing! The whole Finn/Rachel thing is getting tedious now. The only bit I actually enjoyed was the girl choir group that belted out 'Yeah' by Usher. They were great!

Cosine and sine Trig Help.?

A flagpole 25 ft high, standing on the edge of the roof of a high building, when seen from a point A on the ground subtends an angle of 3�50'. If A is 200 ft. from the bottom of the pole, how far is it from the top?

What was the song used in the season finale episode of Raising Hope at the very end?

Maby it's this "Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home " search on YOUTUBE !!!

Pedophiles in chat rooms?

The right people to contact are the FBI or your local police force. Starting out on your own would be a very good way to get tripped up and identified as belonging to the wrong side.

Can beggars be choosers where getting work is concerned?

My answer will be sweet and simple:if you can work and earn your money why not?When you were in university or just after graduation i believe you took the first job you got!why?As a transition work to keep the boat afloat till you get something better.Well its the same situation now only someone can get benefit and will usually think like this:If i can get money for doing nothing why should i work?

Bestfriend and boyfriend issues?

For 4 years now (this started in 7th grade) my friend and i have liked/loved each other on and off. We dated in 7th grade for a day and then stopped but became best friends after that. 8th grade came and we liked each other back and forth, when i had a bf he liked me and when he had a gf i started liking him. That summer, he and his gf broke up and we had our first kiss during truth or dare. At that moment, he fell for me, but i was starting to like someone else and so on and so forth. We would hate each other, then love each other, but never at the same time. Now i have a boyfriend whom i plan to be with a while and he likes me again. We are both fed up with this and annoyed and need answers on why this keeps happening to us, can anyone help?! everyone always tells us how they think we are the perfect match too, which i think makes it worse for us.

How can i get rabies?

ok so a baby raccoon snuck into my house, hes been living in my house now.He's really cute and really friendly. I pet em and fed em blueberries, i havent been bit or scrached, but now i found out that you don't have 2 be bitten to get rabies. That u can get it from its spit. So if its spit got on my cat and then i kiss my cat...i can have rabies? and if it drinks from my cats water dish, and then my cats drink from cats can catch then my cats drool on me ill be infected? is this posible? can some1 help me out. Also my cats were vaccinated 4 years are they in the clear? this raccoon has only been in my attic o it probably isnt infected right?

Game of Thrones season finale. What you think?

It was great. All the cliffhangers of the book are their, they did a good job with the affects for the dragons. Finally a show that doesn't alter the material that inspired it. Bravo HBO. Unfortunately, however, the second season is a long, long way off!!

I fed my bunny lettuce and i didn't know it was bad! HELP!?

it said lettuce gives them diarrhea and could kill them. what do i do? she has been pooping non stop since then.

Thoughts/Opinions on the mid-season finale of South Park?

I thought it was the saddest episode I've seen, and that this episode is the beginning of the end, sadly. What do you guys think?

What are some funny tv series?

Try Cougar Town. Similar humor to Scrubs and Friends, and a lot of the same people work on it- on and off screen.

Need some advice!!! Sorry it's long!!?

you sound jealous ? was your feelings abnormal , more then a friendship idea ? seems to me you need to grow up and move on......

I aM mE shouldn't have won ABDC. Iconic boyz are much better and talented..?

At least iconic boyz didnt walk around the stage holdinq hands. Yeah maybe they brought somethinq differnet, and im not saying they were bad or not talented, but iconic boyz were much better. people keep sayinq that only girls voted, actually their wrong. It even said on the show before the season finale, they were getting votes from both genders. people still dont understand their young yet, have much more to learn and a successful life ahead of them. If they were so bad then how come they made it to the finals? now ur probably gonna be like, only girls voted, and only because their young and cute. Yeah half of that might be true, but just like lil mamma said, "i like them because their young, cute, and young." i aM mE, yeah their older and more experienced. but iconic boyz reached out to young kids inspring them to follow their dreams while their young. they've even been and inspiration on me myself.they shud be proud because they made it that far. But it was sad to see them leave out of all their hard work. plus chachi from i aM mE was pissing me off. Shes kinda annoyinq. hell shes just annoying.people keep saying that iconic boyz did simple routines. Well if u really did one of those simple routines in front of 3 million people and the whole US u wud see how hard it is. And really, if i aM mE did any of iconic boyz routines do u serisouly believe they would have even been in the top 6? I think no.Which do u like better Iconic boyz ( ♥ ♥ ♥) Or .......*whispers* i aM mE ?

OLTL..... In the End?

Gigi should not have died. They need to start working on the core families and give them a happy ending, I am tired of people being brain dead, not being brain dead. Rama, Cutter, Aubry,all these people need to go.

This is my motto in life.........................?

I don't know if you could,but i think you should try. That would be exactly what i would want on my gravestone, for real. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What was that quote from the finale of ABDC that they said while they were showing I AM ME?

I cant remember the quote.I THINK IT WENT SOMETHING LIKE "JUST BE YOURSELF AND U CAN MAKE YOUR BIGGEST DREAMS INTO Reality"was that it ?They said it while they were showing I AM ME

Anyone know scrubs season 2 song?

In the season finale of season 2, when Dr. Cox punches Kelso, there is a song playing in the background. Apparently, the song is different on the dvd/netflix version than when it was originally aired. It is not My Brilliant Feat by Colin Hay, and I can't find it on youtube. Best way to find it would be skipping to the end of the episode on Netflix watch instantly. Thank you!

Charlie and Claire LOST?

Do you think Claire loved Charlie? I'm positive that he was in love with her but what about Claire's feelings? She was always so guarded that it was hard to tell whether she just liked him or if it was more. Or maybe that's just her. Anywho, taking in everything that's happened even their reunion in the series finale do you think that she loved him back?

What do I feed my horse?

I just got my rescue gelding and he was just fed grass and it wasn't good grass eaither. He was fed cow hay in the winter and he is underweight, I want to put him on grain, fed twice a day mornings and nights he is. Pony, 13.2 hh what kind of grain should I get? He will have option to grass and will be stalled at night

I found a Baby Blue jay, What should I do?

So my brother found a baby bluejay on the ground yesterday, so we put it in a shoe box with some paper towel and a warm cloth. We fed it some worms and a drop of water, and he seemed okay. But when I look up what to do next on the internet, everyone was saying that we were killing it by feeding and taking care of it, not saving it. So we found an old nest that we had, put him in that, and put him in a tree by the area we thought the mother bird was. He has feathers, and seems healthy but very hungry, and i`m worried the mother bird might not find him. I will do anything, even if it`s doing nothing, to help this baby bird. Please Help!!

How to calculate inverse cosine of a positive number?

The cosine of any angle will always be between -1 and 1. This means that you can only get the inverse cosine of values between -1 and 1.

Changing highschools QLD to NSW, year 11.?

I might be moving to NSW soon, and have just finished my 1st half of year 11, in QLD. I still have 1 year and a half, before i receive my QCS, and OP. If i was to move to NSW will this affect me, in receiving the HSC that they receive in their finale year? or is there some sort of transferring system, because i am doing well in my subjects: ITN, PHYSICS, MATH B, MATH C, CHEMISTRY, and BORDE ENGLISH.

How do you know when to use sine cosine or tan?

When I look at a triangle or any other shape, or even what is given (angles, sides) i never know what law to us. is there anyone that could help explain it to me?

Trigonometry question?

Sides are generally denoted by lowercase letters. In any case, angle B is opposite side B so you need to use the law of sines to find angle A, then subtract the two angles from 180 to get angle C and the law of sines again to get side c

Good Quotes for Telling Someone to Stop Pissing Me Off or Im Going to Kick Their ***.?

Alright so recently my girlfriend and I have gotten together, but now her jealous ex boyfriend keeps texting her, telling her that he misses her and stuff. So I told him to calm down and stop texting her or im going to kick his ***. So he got paranoid and started asking the whole football team if i was going to and i dont think he believes me that he is really pushing it. Dont give me any **** for wanting to fight believe me i've tried telling him but he's not going to stop because he thinks his older brother is going to protect him. So i want to let him know that i'm fed up with his **** and if he continues to text her He's going to get his *** kicked. I need quotes for something like, telling him to calm down, knock it off, grow up, mature, stop being jealous and **** like that. But make sure in the quotes he gets the message that im heated and am about to kick his ***. Thanks.

Game of thrones, khaleesi finale?

I am wondering if there are any pictures of khaleesi from the finale of game of thrones? Her braid in the last scene where she burns her husbands body is so cool, and i wanted to copy it! Thanks for help

How can i get my dog to gain weight?

Hi, i have an 8 year old boxer mix. She was orginally a goo 45 pounds and very healthy and muscular, then she started rapidly losing weight, she go t down to 19 pounds and we took her to the vet and all her blood work was good, they did x-rays and she looked perfectly healthy and all the vet could come up with is that she has irritable bowel syndrome, so they put her on prednisone, famotidine, and tylan powder. it has been maybe 5 or 6 months and i took her to the vet and she weighed 23 pounds so she gained some weight, but you can still see her ribs and her backbone, she is a happy little girl you cant tell shes sick except she acts like shes starving all the time and she gets fed twice a day. so i didnt know if anyone had any ways i could help her gain weight, please and thankyou

Why does sex hurt me and feel strange?

maybe youre not COMPLETLY comfortable having sex yet. so u wont get as wet(which is needed). its also possible tht u jus cud not b ready for sex. nd the eletric shock u talkn about happened to me when i mastrubated b4. u shud jus not have sex for a while. im talking 2weeks. the vagina can get over u feel completely comfortable having sex?

Does anyone really believe Bachmann's outrageous lies (part 1)?

Yes, people believe her lies...thats the problem with the republican party...they never fact check anything, they just accept everything

R all US smokers now classify as potential Hamas, Hezbollah, al queerdo supporters...under the Herb Kohl law?

It's just one more piece of evidence on why the federal government should be disbanded altogether. They are tyrants. Tyrants with a Stalinist mentality at that. The federal government is a far greater threat to us and our freedoms than Hezbollah, Hamas or al Qaeda could even dream of being.

Huge fight. what to do next :(?

Ok so me and my cosine just hashed it out. to sum it up she said things to me via text that offended me so when i emailed her about it she did nothing but say idc and chill then i find out it wasn't even her saying that. Then we emailed more and I fought with the actual her. In the end she said she didn't mean to make me feel that way and i understood. Now here is the problem. I love her to death we are so close but lately we have been in many fights and each of us has caused each other damage and i just don't know how much more i canT take its exhausting. We are so close, then while apart talking to each other by email or text we sometimes drive each other crazy.... sometimes for hours,days, even a week once. I just can't take all the fighting im not sure what to do. do i talk to her less or try to move past it AGAIN :( HELP

What to expect in Calc?

Hey guys, I am finished taking PreCalc and I have to say that my teacher didn't even touch on Limits, Derivatives etc or any introductory Calc material. And because of that I am totally freaked out. We just went in depth on algebra like substitution, graphing sine cosine etc. Now my question is this, will the professor next year (in college) start out fresh new and expect you know calc right away? or will s/he review a bit and gradually walk you through to the new field of Calculus? Should I be freaking out and worry? Should I look at Calc lessons on the internet to better myself? I need help! Thanks guys. I really look forward to read your helpful replies.

Can I use a product for athlete's foot for sweating feet?

Okay, so my feet are get really sweaty and so do my hands. I know it can be a disease, but I still need to get checked out. I am so fed up with this that I will do anything to cure it just a little ! My aunt gave me this spray for athlete's foot, and she said she used it on her feet for the same thing and it worked great! So, any suggestion or advice would be appreciated.

Scared about my finales?

Well im very good at reading. Im not to worried about that but the only three things im worried about is World studies, Algebra, And Environmental science. Im not sure what happens to my grade if i fail a final. but if i fail Four classes i will have to take the freshman year over. I have a D In worldstudies, And in science i have an A. But i know for a fact i not going to pass algebra ahh:( What should i do... And for Last semester i failed Algebra... If i fail 3 classes than i have to take my year all over again!!!

Song of storms for alto sax?

hey there. I play both alto sax and flute and LOVE legend of zelda. especially the song of storms. I was wondering if someone could tell where sheet music to that song would be for any of those Instruments. THX XD note, i own finale 2011

Mexican federal police information?

They are called, "Los Federales." You don't mention whether you're fluent in la lengua. Es muy importante, amigo.

How do you add eighth rest in Finale?

Go to "Window" and click on "Simple Entry Rest Palette" to open the rests toolbar. I believe it will appear on the left side. Then click on the eighth rest and place it after the dotted half note. The tie probably will cover the whole measure, but you can still place the rest on the measure. Hope this helped!

House sparrow being released?

Hello! Today morning I released a young sparrow, and now I have doubts what I did was right. I hand feed him 19 days (when I got him he was around 3-4 days old), he began to fly one week ago, on Tuesday 21. For the last days I hand reared him every 2 hours, but he also fed on his own... he didn't start to eat big seeds yet. Last three days he was very noisy, and I didn't want him to be closed in an apartment or get used to humans, I also thought he was good in flying. But now that I think back, I truly hope he could find food and other sparrows, and wouldn't miss the syringe. Do you think I should let him go when he would be older and would eat on his own all day long, on your experiences? a also red on the net that sparrows get independent 7- 10 days after they leave the nest (but they leave the nest when they do not yet fly). He also wasn't used of the weather outside, do you think he could find a shelter? And I have one question more..why do you think he was so loud? Even when I fed him he didn't stop cheeping. And I really doubt he was hungry. Thank you very much for your answers! Jasmina

How can I watch the Braxtons family values online?

My cable is going to be down for a couple of days. I wanted to know is it any sites that are available that will allow me to watch The Braxtons Family Values Finale tonite on We channel.Thanks.

Who is River Song to the Doctor?

OMG Melody is River Song. In the last episode I said out loud that I bet River was the baby I didn't think it was actually gonna be true. For the longest I thought she was the Doctor's wife from when we first met her with David Tennant because she always says 'my love' or 'darling' like they were lovers. Then there leaves the question why did he have her put in jail? And was she the astronaut that shot him in the season premiere? Any thoughts on the midseason finale?

Is Bachmann a leech on society because she received almost $300k in state aid?

No the biggest corrupt party in the world is the republican party. People who vote for them are brainwashed by radio and tv commentators. Add a kernel of truth to some big lies and they seem believable. Did you know that there is an invention that came out which will replace gasoline? This stuff will be super cheap to buy, that's why they are releasing oil from the strategic reserve. I just made that last part up, but because I added the news from the strategic reserve, it gave it a kernel of truth. People buy into that.

Can anyone answer this trig question?

The displacement of a pendulum from rest can be represented by a cosine curve. The pendulum starts from a position 15 cm to the right of its rest position and swings 15 cm to the left of the rest position in 2 seconds. If, when you sketch the graph of the pendulum’s path, the vertical axis represents the displacement from the rest position and the horizontal axis represents time, write the function representing the motion in the form y = a cos [b(x+c)]+d.

My dog peeing in the middle of the night? Please help!?

my dog did this and i felt the same way about the crate thing but the crate training completely fixed my dog of that

Workaholics Episode 10 anyone know the rap song during the costume party?

Its during the costume party in the season finale. I've tried to shazam it but it didn't work. Its like a chill rap song, i thought it was cool so i was just wondering, If anyone knows thanks?

Typing the cosine rule into my calculator?

I'm doing the cosine rule on my scientific calculator - the cosine rule to find the angle which is the rule cos A= B SQUARED + C squared- A squared divided by 2x a x b - I know I have to put equal signs and brackets in certain places but I can't remember where. The question i'm trying to do is cos A=1.7 squared + 3.8 squared - 2.9 squared divided by 2 x 1.7 x 3.8. Thankyou :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Friends I need your help...?

Hi.. This is surya from chennai.. I am residing in a deluxe apartment. Actually I was very trust ful to my girlfriend. But due to her family situation she left me and she married someone. I was in very much depression.. I lost everything. Only one plus point i dont have any bad habits like smoke & drink.. I am unable to forget her and her memories. In these situation my aunts daughter spoke to me about her project works. she wants to stay in chennai for 2 months.. I said you can stay in house. I will stay in my friend’s house for some time. and I said we will find a good partner for you. we will collect some rent from her.. she said ok. I had given add in one newspaper like need roommate to stay in delux appartment. after one week one girl contacted me and she said she wants to see the house. I said my cousin will join next month only. if you want you can come and see the house. she said ok. she came and saw the house. She was looking like model, cine artist.. she is from north. She told me that she lost her parents when she was 3. she said she likes this place very much. please dnt give this place to anyone. I said ok.. Then she keep on forwarded some massages to me like gud morning kind of msgs. one day she called me and said my friend is not well I have to take her to hospital. I need 5000 very urgent I will give you when i join to your accommadation. I gave 5000. after that she messaged me like if you are free means we will meet in coffee shop. I said ok. then she wants to go to some temple she took her too. but each and every time she collecting some money for her expenses. Unfortunately my cousin got transferred to Bangalore for her project works. . after two week this girl contacted me she said when you cosine is coming. I told her she got changed her plan. So she will not coming. .. She said I have some problems in her home. She have to come out immediately. I told her if you like to stay in anna nagar you can stay with me. I don’t have any problem. She told me that “ I may die.. but I don’t stay with a guy”. Next time I met her in coffee shop. She said I want to buy something in super market. I need your help. I had spent a lot on the day. After long back she called me and told me that I want to stay in your house immediately. I am on the way to your house. Please be there. . she came with her luckages. I was shocked. I told her I will find a good place for you. You can stay there. She said I dnt want to go out. I will be here only. She is said she is a film artist.. lots of famous hindi and tamil heros are her friends. She said her uncle is biggest vip in indian cricket team. She said if you want to watch cricket match please tell me. I will give you vip passes. She gave and I saw some matches with v.i.p’s. She acted in some add films. Now she is going to signup for some movies. She always wearing short dresses.. You can see everything. It more increases my sexual feelings. But sometimes I was not feeling comfortable with her. She is smoking in my home nearly 1 pocket per day. AC keep on running. And she never sleep in the night. She will go in the evening and she will be back in the midnight. Keep on watching tv and keep on chating with her friends. She will sleep in the morning only. I am spending per day rs.1000 for her. She said one famous film star is fallen love with me and all. I had seen some photos of her with famous tamil film heros in parties. She is sleeping in my bed. I am sleeping down the bed in floor. I proposed her. She said already she has a boyfriend. Her activities is keep on creating more sexual moods in my mind.. But I am very much afraid. But she is allowing me to touch her hands legs. She is touching my chest and all. I don’t know what kind of girl she is. Some times she never adjust her dresses. She is almost wearing short trousers. I am unable to control my self. I am keep on spending a lot for her. She will take cashes from my pockets.. I know very well she never marry me. Or love me. And I am very much know she will never return back my cash and all.. I am just 24. She said She is 22. But I saw her mark sheet in this her date of birth is 1981. Almost 30. Her name is different. Community is different. Why she is like this?.. If she has a boyfriend means why she is staying with me?. If her uncle is biggest rich man means why she is taking money from this poor man?. She has lots of richest friends why she is asking help from me?. I doing all this to her.. living and spending like husband and wife... I controlled my self many times. I didn’t see her in any bad view. One of my apartment people asked me that who is this girl ?. Ask her wear some decent dress?.. I said she is my cousine. Came for some interviews. She will leave soon. I asked her to wear some decent dresses. She said I wont change my decision. I am living in city.. I will be like this only. I told her I found a good place for you.. You can go and stay there. She said no. .

How does Yahoo get its news from the AP fed to them and displayed so neatly?

Interested in understanding how Yahoo or Google can search and display websites information such as News about Nascar, then every web page that has NASCAR listed is returned - obviously a bit more to it then that, but is it down via programming or special software code? Difficulty?

A 'finale solution' to anti Semitism in the USA and the world?

I think all of the USA/World needs to be more sympathetic to the Jewish peoples. They have suffered through all of time. We need to have Government polices that promote diversity and tolerance. Politicians should visit and offer support to Israel and I think that even Hollywood should pitch in and make some anti Nazi films once and a while. What other ways can we tackle Americas most critical issue?

& ' fed ex shipping . ? (;?

Kay, so i ordered something from fed ex & 10 hours ago.. It left a destination that is only five hours away. Do you think it will get here today? On the website i ordered it from said it will be here today, but when i track it on fed ex. It says tommorowww? So willl it be tommorow?

What are the steps to setting up Virtual Drumline 2.5 with Finale PrintMusic?

I'm trying to figure out how to get Virtual Drumline to work with Finale PrintMusic. I have MIDI Yoke loaded but can't seem to get the two to work(VDL and Printmusic). Can someone list steps for me?

Drop dead diva finatics.?

What was the song that played on the season finale last year.? It played while parker tried calling kim and she ignored it and right before jane started dreaming about her and graysons wedding.? Does anyone know.?

Currently weaning my daughter to formula?

she is four months old,i have been weaning since last wednesday. she had been combined feeding for we always had this routine where when Sophia wakes up i and goes to sleep she would be put to the breast however when i gave her a bottle which was half breast milk/ half formula, she freaked and wanted the breast, we have been struggling and it is nearly a week now, she is coping better but i admit i have been letting her breastfeed atleast once a day, i am slowly cutting all of the pumping sessions down so soon she will be fully bottle fed but it is just these feeding sessions that our really hard. any ideas

LOST music. i need help identifying it!?

I know it's been over for a while but... during one of the season 3 finale episodes, the group with jack, naomi and danielle is walking to the radio tower and there's a song that has a violin playing. i need to know it!

What does the graph 4 cos a - sina = 2 look like?

Because I found 46ish degrees as a solution and the other solution is meant to be -75 degree- I thought the cosine wave was symmetrical! Please help :(

Looking at cosine and sine graphs? How by just looking at the graph without equation would I be able to find..?

The period is found simply by looking at one full cycle. For example you can look at the max point and the next max point and calculate the distance between them (PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE SCALE).

Do you need to know the trigonometric functions or logs in the SAT Math 1?

I was just wondering if you needed to know stuff like the law of cosines, law of sines, logs and all that good stuff

Is hacking into someone's Facebook a federal offense?

My friend's Facebook was hacked today and I know the person who did it. Apparently the girl who did it was a stalker and is nuts. She hacked her account and told me to kill myself then I found her out and she flipped. She called my friend and said I am suicidal and was going to do it. I know Facebook now has everything threw chat go to your inbox so that is email and tampering with mail is a federal offense the law isn't exact what mail they are talking about, email or mail. Can someone tell me what this girl can be charged with if she can?

Marmalade boy episode 76 English SUBBED?

So, I've been watching all the subbed episodes of Marmalade boy from this one person on youtube, and I went to go check out 76, and part one isn't there. Everywhere I look though, there are only dubbed versions of the episode. I'm not against dubs, I'd just prefer watching the finale in subs since I have been all this time. Anyone know where I can find the SUBBED version of this episode?! Thanks!

Can anyone play a certain song I created on Drums?

I have made a song on drums and I would like to see if anyone can play it. All that is required for the drums set is a Snare, High Hat, Double Bass, 3 Toms, and a China symbol. If you give your email address I will send you the file in either a Finale File, Guitar Pro file, or a JPG image.

What's up with Fantasy Factory?

So new episodes of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory were playing on MTV for a few weeks & then all of a sudden they were replaced by Teen Wolf. I don't think the last episode was the season finale or anything because I didn't hear them promoting it like that or anything. Anybody know what's up?

Is it normal for my infant to wwnt breast milk?


Here is a list of Federal Government Programs - When a state has a duplicate program can we eliminate the Fed?

Never happen. Libs would NEVER vote their special areas out of existance. But I like your thinking.

What was up with tonights South Park?

WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH TONIGHTS SOUTH PARK?! SERIES FINALE? TO BE CONTINUED? I haven't watched much of this year's episodes, but what was up with "You're Getting Older"? It was almost depressing the way it ended. Anyone else agree? Thoughts? Comments?

Where and when are the harry potter premiers are going to be held the finale?!!?

London’s Trafalgar Square and Leicester Square on 7th July 2011. Im not to sure where else is the premiers but that will b the biggest one

Who will you blame when the u.s troops in iraq rebel?

Although there is a plan to withdraw them in the end of this year but it will not be performed as the iraqi revolution would begin any moment then the u.s troops will have to be involved in the streets combats again and they already fed up and dont have a worthy reason to fight and waste time and life in iraq for.

How do I change myself for the better?

I have an extremely hard time being social. Whenever I am at a party (that does not envolve my close friends) I tend to sit by myself and bide my time. When people ask me something I don't know how to respond to it other than small one liners. I don't feel I have anything to say and find myself being fed up for even going to these parties. How can I change? I would like to become more social

What do i need to do to make my girlfriend still want a relationship after 5 months of not seeing each other?

It sounds like it's over, man. She said it herself -- she things you should go your separate ways. Find yourself a new lady and try your best to get your mind off of this one. Good luck.

Where can I watch the last season finale of Pretty Little Liars?

I can't find the last season finale of Pretty Little Liars anywhere and it starts again tomorrow!! (June 14) I missed the episode and need to catch up thanks!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do you think this will get Obama re-elected?

you said it, he needs the hispanic vote that's the only reason he's even mentioning it. If we gave amnesty to these people they would all jump on welfare the next day and we'd be f*ed

Has Mexico ever came back from a 2-0 lead in big games and won?

Besides the gold cup finale of course el tri played with passion,heart,determination to win and I absolutely LOVED IT I remember when I was watching the world cup last year against Argentina we were down 2-0 and the announcer (American) said that Mexico has never came back from a 2-0 lead

Why do christians argue with atheists when they are the people Jesus healed and fed the most?

yahoo ans seems to be a are right.God does not honor driving sinners away, but bringing them to Him.

Simple complex analysis question but i cannot get it.?

have to find the imaginary part of 2e~pow(it) (2 e to the power of it). Although it is so simple i get comfused. Is it sine t or cosine t.

Anyone else get recurrent mastitis?

OK, looking for non-glib, non-"kellimom" answers. I am currently on my 5th round of antibiotics for mastitis with my almost-6-month-old daughter. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, what did you do? If I do try to stop breastfeeding, how do I do it without getting mastitis again? I don't really want to give up breastfeeding but I keep getting ill! My positioning is fine, I just think my wee girl doesn't open her mouth up wide enough. The infection is more in my nipple than my breast. Getting fed up. Any good advice gratefully received : )

Where can I get a 'Who shot J.R.' t-shirt?

It was my favorite shirt growing up. It was yellow and had J.R.'s head on it. and said 'Who Shot J.R.?' on it. it was aa popular shirt after the season finale of Dallas. Please help me reconect with my childhood!!

How much financial aid should i receive?

I have an EFC of 000 because I have a legal guardian. My school is only awarding me a state grant of $1400 and offering me student loans. Who should i talk to about this because I should be receiving way more aid than this and school officials are blowing me off. Should i contact the federal office?

I'm looking for good cheap makeup anyone know what brands I should be buying?

I have MAC stuff, and some Sephora. But I'm getting fed up with the prices they are ridiculous, I don't enjoy paying $18 for a simple eye shadow. I realize the quality is good but I'm looking for a cheaper brand. I have tried the elf products and I adore them but they don't have everything I'd like, any suggestions?

Why is my betta not eating fish food?

I have my betta in a non-permanent 1.5 gallon tank (it has a light, java fern, and barely bubbling airstone - for circulation - in there) since June 18th. I have fed him only 1 blood worm so far, and that was two days after I got him. This past weekend I did a 1/2 gallon water change w/ siphoning to clear up anything that might have gone to the bottom (nitrate, nitrites, and ammonia were perfect). Yesterday I noticed that he was pooping alot (and each poop was bigger than a betta pellet!), so constipation was probably his issue at first. Today he was moving around alot more, so I tried a blood worm (to see what would happen) and he went up to it, kind of sniffed it, and then swam away like he was disgusted. His belly looks healthy, so do you think it is more constipation? I tried to feed him part of a peeled boiled pea, but he wouldn't touch that either. Thanks for helping.

9 weeks old breastfeeding baby?

Small babies need to feed often, and they often make up for the sleeping time by eating more frequently when awake. She is moderating her own intake to match what her body needs. If you are pumping after a feeding, you will not get too much milk because your daughter is getting it. There shouldn't be a lot left. If you are looking to express more then you might wait an hour when she is sleeping and pump then. The best indicator of having enough milk is the baby - if she is having 8 wet diapers a day and gaining weight and developing well, then she is doing fine. Don't get hung up about the numbers when you are pumping.

Potty training my adult dog?

Ur schedule is fine.. When he/she messes in the house make sure he/she is well aware that ur mad. In a firm voice. Put the dogs face by it and tell him/her "NO, BAD GIRL/BOY" continue that and eventually he/she will learn.

Is South Park done? Is it over?

I just saw the recent episode "your getting old" and the way it was set up is like it was the series finale. Is the show over?

When does the new season of Make It Or Break It air?

After the exciting finale of the U.S. Team winning Worlds, and Emily leaving, when does the new season start?! Is there going to be a new season? I hope there is:) Thanks Guys:)

Is my friend going to get deported?

friend was arrested in indianapolis on a p.i., held on a federal hold for ins (undocumented from honduras) been in the country over 10 years, speaks pretty good english, no felonies but a few misdemeanors, does have a child here, and the child is a u s citizen. he is now in tri county regional detention center in illinois has court in 5 weeks, is there anything i can do to stop deportation? what is going to happen? will they offer a public defender? any info will help!

Boyfriend problem really need help ASAP please?

so my boyfriend and i agreed that he wont go out unless i approve and now i found out he's going out with a group of girls and he already approved and everything when i told him not to go he said he will and we kept arguing and then he said he's going and that's finale .. and there will be like 10 girls and like 7 guys and his ex will be there and he cheated before so i don't know what to do ?? how to get him not to go ??? .. and should i break up with him if he did ?? .. please tell me what to do (( btw i can go out with him but i will look weak because it will be my last option and i don't wanna look weak in front of him because he cheated before and i forgave him easily so i don't want him to think its ok )) please help :( :(

How to make my metabolism fast again, recovering bulimic?

i've been battling with bulimia since june or july of last year (NOT severe bulimia at all). in the beginning of me stopping, i didn't gain weight. now i see that i am starting to gain weight this time when i stopped in May, and i went to my cousins and his mom fed us a lot of food, and when i came home i weighed myself and i gained weight so i binged this morning and purged. my weight fluctuates like everyone else, but it never goes down and i gain weight easy. how can i make my metabolism fast again so i won't be afraid of weight gain as much? im only 16, almost 16.

Do you have a list of every anime that you have watched?

yes mine is - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Where can i get flute sheet music?

Your best bet for the first 2 in However, the last piece is called Acht Stucke by Paul Hindemith, and is under copyright -

How would you use sine and cosine for a real life job?

Our calculus class has to present a project for our final exam. We have to apply things we have learned to the real world. We are having problems finding how to apply certain things so if someone could give an example and maybe explain how it is used that would be wonderful! Thanks!

Whats going on with NBC and ABC's shows?

all of nbc's comedys like parks and recreation, the office, and happy endings arent being added to hulu anymore, and there not on the official websites, are they all cancelled? the seasons cant be over because they all are at like 12 or 13 episodes and seasons are usually like 20 episodes, none of them say "season finale" or anything and the storyline just stopped whats going on?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Law of Cosines Forces Question?

Two forces of 80 pounds and 100 pounds yield a resultant force of 60 pounds. Find, to the nearest ten minutes or the nearest tenth of a degree, the angle between the two forces. pleasee show workk!!

New show on MTV...? ?

So, I was watching the season finale of 16 and Pregnant which I recorded on my DVR. After it was over, a preview for a new show on MTV came on, but the recording cut off before it showed the name of the new show. It's about a girl who gets a letter about killing herself, so she takes some aspirin and starts choking on it and then falls and breaks her arm and is having to wear a neck brace and an elevated cast. People at school talk about how she tried to kill herself and she becomes all cool because she changes clothes the fastest with her partner at some school event. Anyone know what it's called and when it's coming on? Thanks.

Using cosine law to find angle?

You dont have enough information. You need 3 sides or 2 sides and the included angle to use law of cosines. So you need side a. Then solve for angle A by inverse cosine.

Should I list my under-the-table jobs as experience?

I was paid in cash at a couple of jobs back in college (5 years ago) and I've always had those jobs on my resume because I gained a lot of experience in those positions. However, now I'm applying to federal jobs and I'm considering removing them. Will the federal agencies I apply to do check up on those companies?

Can you use the Cosine rule with 3 angles and one side?

The question is an isosceles triangle with the angles 80, 50, 50. The bottom side is 5cm. this is all that's given, is it possible to find the length of one of the two remaining sides?

How could House M.D. continue from here?

It's really hard to say. The finale was soundly hated by both fans and critics - the writers and producers have been interviewed and seemed surprised by the level of hatred. They apparently thought it was typical House fun and games. Also, Lisa Edelstein (Cuddy) quit after the finale was shot, so it looks like any plans they had as far as House and Cuddy will have to be scrapped. It sounds like a huge failure of judgement on the part of the writers, producer and the network. They'll have some time this summer to try and salvage this mess, but I frankly have no real faith in their ability to do so.

In ΔAUQ, m<U = 112°, QU = 88.1, and AU = 78. Find m<Q.?

First use the cosine law to find the length of side AQ, then use the sine law to find the measure of angle Q.

I slapped my baby daughter tonight?

I had a really long day, lot of bad stuff happend then my wife told me she had had enough and stopmed out of the house so i was stuck with our daughter and she wouldn't stop crying. i rocked her, snag to her, fed her, diapered her, everything and then i just threw her down on her crib, she began to cry harder so then i reached in and slapped her as hard as i could across the face and now she's really crying, but my day was terrible and it won't happen again. so what should i do? she's 4 months old and i don't really know, i'm just letting her cry it out right now.

Are me and my friends the ONLY ones who noticed that the "new" episode of Workaholics was already aired?

The SO CALLED season finale was ALSO the pilot. But NO ONE seems to notice this. I checked like 2 hours worth of #Workaholics trending on twitter and nobody at all brought this up. I was super duper looking forward to the finale episode of the season tonight only to find that I already saw it like forever ago! I'm pretty sure it was the pilot, honestly. But I can't be completely certain because I always bake before watching. This is unfair, guys. I am disappointed lol. But I still love them.

Is Glee ever going to be on again?

I LOVE the program Glee (E4 on Mondays) but I think it finished last week! Was it the very last episode? I know it said Season Finale but I thought it meant that it would do a whole new season! I know that they'll put repeats on but will there ever be new episodes?

Since everyone is mad at the Democrats or Republicans and things ain't good how about Ron Paul?

Yea i know end of the world, but hey at least when he wanted to audit the FED over 300 fellow Congressmen signed on and he would bring the troops back, although I know Prez Obama said he would immediately bring 10,000 by the end of next year. Hey folks lets try something else.

Help with my boys weight!?

Triple crown senior...we live in ny and get cold winters. We switch to it to help keep a lil extra fat on them in the winter. Also theres a weight builder supplement. Can be found on WWW.valley

What are some good music editing and composing programs?

I don't really know what it's called, but I need a program that I can actually make music on. You know, type in the notes and it puts it all together for me. I don't need anything like Finale where you can only write the music then print it, or Garage Band that you have to record your sounds first. Does anyone know of any good programs in which I can make my own music? At the moment I am trying to put together a movie score on my own for a contest so to speak. Thanks.

If the FED ends will the illuminati reigns end as well?

Everyone has to remember, ALL secret socities plans are world domination and control. The president does not run the United States, he is only a puppet. This government is run by the trilateral commission. When people do some digging and find out for themselves who really has the power, the more shocked/scared you will become.

Is the secret life of the American teenager going to have another episode SOON?

They never said on TV that this weeks episode, where Adrian tragically loses her baby, that it was the season finale. Is there going to be another episode next week? Or maybe in a few weeks?


yeah its on break. new eps. will be back on around january 2012 since thats about the time it came on this yr in jan. it was a great ending huh? you will have your aidan back soon enough..

I want to make my own clothes and shoes?

I'm fed-up going clothes/shoe shopping and finding nothing i like cause I'm a really fuzzy person and don't hardly like anything that's out there to buy. plus its to expensive for me to buy anything! this is the reason why i want to make my own

Is my rabbit getting better? 10 answer?

So my 7 week old netherland dwarf bunny was about to die: vet told me today he was having seizures because he wouldnt eat. He told me to give him veggies and he is eating them, he is a little bit still lethargic but seems to be getting better. Based on my description does he seem to be getting better: Saturday morning: Attack(seizures) fed him dog nutrition replacer,couldnt walk very lethargic. Sunday: couldnt walk, had an am seizure: feed him milk. Today: vet, could move and walk a little, ate veggies, water and some pellets.

If a young Team like the Bulls or the Thunder...?

no they need to play longer and get a better legacy.2 years of 20+ppg and a championship is good but they need more.especially if there gonna be better than mj.

Why isn't Dtrix in quest crew anymore?

I was watching the season finale and he was like crying when he saw Quest Crew perform. Can anyone tell me why he isn't with them?

Dog sick after switching food?

Hi there, hoping that someone can help me out. I just recently got a puppy (he is about 7 months old). About five days ago we started transitioning him to a new type of dog food. Almost right away we noticed that his stool was getting a little bit looser and eventually it started coming out as a more pudding texture. Two days ago now we ran out of old food and could no longer slowly transition the dog. This is when I started to notice that his stool was getting to be more watery. He had trouble sleeping last night because his stomach was so upset. I did go and buy a bag of his old food yesterday hoping that that would help, I fed him the old food for all meals. He woke me up about three or four times during the night because he was whining and one time when I got up with him after going to the bathroom he vomited. I have been feeding him pure pumpkin as well as making sure that no one feeds him scrap food. I started to notice the loose stool about 4 days ago now. I am wondering if I should be taking my pup to the vet or if I should follow other advice that I have read and withhold his food for 24hrs before feeding him bland food like rice. Any helpful advice is very much appreciated.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Grey's Anatomy - will Meredith and Derek be alright after the finale of season 7?

Derek slept at the house they're building together and she had the baby all alone at her house. Christina and Owen have issues too, I need some answers :)

I feel like i need to like end it now?

I dont know I really don't so much had been going on and I have been waiting too long for the phycatrist to give me an apointment with them to be acessed and its getting annoying because my moods are all over the place and I don't know which way to go or who to talk too. I feel so angry and irratable right now and people have angered me alot recently and every one has went "just think positive just ignore it" so the more I try ignore it the more I get angry because its stuck in my head and because there is nothing i can do i get even more irrated and angry. Doc ushaly think i have behavoural problems but I dont i am a nice girl but its just some days I switch and my moods are everywere and i feel like there are too sides...I feel like ending it all because i dont think i can cope anymore i know its natural to feel a little down sometimes but i get to a point i just wanna die and i know everyone goes through bad relationships and stuff but am the type that the smallest amount of stress pisses me off and upsets me, my ex got fed up because of my moods and when he was going to take me back he ended up pissing off with his ex who cheated on him and left me hanging and he knew what I was going through and still he didn't care and said loads of things that upset me and tried to put the blame on me when he was the one putting me through alot and also one of his ex's is 6 months pregnant and if it turns out to be his then it proves he was cheating on me but he still denies cheating. I dunno anymore I left college due to these moods and amfinding it hard to find work and my apearance is getting worse i just look a state now...someone help

If the Republicans say OK, raise taxes on the Wealthy, can the President then get the Budget balanced? 2 years?

2 years into this Administration and still no Federal Budget. If the Republicans give in and tax the Wealthy, can the President then get the Budget balanced? How much taxes will it take to get the Budget balanced? Do you think he can?

So scared for dance recital.. Help?

I'm a junior in high school and this is my first year of dance, so my first recital. I have no idea how it's going to go, but I'm SO SCARED AND NERVOUS. I'm in jazz, tap, drill team, hip hop, and I'm doing finale as well. I felt bad about finale, until I went to practice last night, and we went over some of the parts. Tap is my main worry now because i don't even remember some parts and I'm really bad at tap. There are only 6 people, which makes it even worse because theres only one row and if I make mistakes, you can tell. Any advice/help?!?!

Cosine rule problem ?

using the cosine rule, prove that the largest angle is of measure 120 degrees in the triangle of side lengths x^2+x+1 , 2x+1 and x^2-1

What place lets 14 year olds work?

and i dont mean like newspapaer route, lemonade stand, dog walker or things like that, i mean like a real job. I live in federal way and idk where i can work because i need money and want to work this summer, any suggestions?(:

Why cant i send and email out or attach files?

this keeps telling me its loading and it does nothing!!!! I am getting fed up with yahoo mail in a major way!!!

Why does my 1 year old kitten/cat attack scratch and bite my face and hair?

My fiance and I adopted 2 cats from a local shelter about 5 months ago. Karl (our 2 year old neutered male) is soooo sweet and smart and he loves to jump and play. Karl can jump for a toy/treat over 4 feet! He also sleeps in our bed at night, right next to my head. <3 Raja on the other hand... he likes to hide and can only eat a treat if its hand fed from me. Raja is younger (vet thinks about 8 months) and he is very aggressive. I feel that he is this way because my fiance FORCES him to cuddle and be held... I let raja go free when he cries, my fiance does not. He says that all cats learn to be cute after this... I think its making raja more mean. What do you think? I could really use some help/support here because I have never had indoor cats before this. Also, Raja scratches my fiance's face HARD and makes him bleed nearly every day. I don't like this behavior but I feel like its not the cats fault.

HELP? Sine Cosine Tangent?

The question is asking: what is tan(Ï€ / 4) equal to? It just so happens that tan(Ï€ / 4) is equal to 1. Therefore f(Ï€ / 4) = 1, and that's your answer.

Shipping Question? How much longer?

I got a two day shipping and it is the second day. Fed-ex says estimated delivery is in two more days. Is it right.

What is the distance between deer A and deer C?

Three deer, A, B, and C, are grazing in a field. Deer B located 64 m from dear A at an angle of 54� north of west. Deer C is located 74� north of east relative to dear A. The distance between deer B and C is 92 m. What is the distance between deer A and C? (Hint: Consider the law of cosines given)

I call upon the math genus's again?

On a trig function chart, the sine of one angle is always equal to the cosine of its complementary angle. Can you explain why this would be true?

Feels like something in my eye, after taking contacts out?

Alright so here's my problem. For the past few MONTHS i've been having problems with my eyes and feels like there is something in both of them. It definitely feels like particles are in my eyes, after I take out my contacts and some times very rarely I feel them when my contacts are in. If I blink hard I can feel the particles moving around, but if I don't they seem to settle behind my eye. I have tried eye drops, flushing, pulling my lid down, but that's about it. My eye exam dude looked at them, and he said they didn't see anything, and my eye looks perfect. Any suggestions on what to do to get it out? I am seriously fed up with having this stuff in my eyes... there is DEFINITELY something in there, I just cannot get it out. Also, when changing out my contacts I noticed there was a hole in one a few months ago, maybe that is in one of my eyes. I don't know for sure, but does anyone have any more suggestions? Maybe there is a product to dissolve the particles lol?

My face is peeling from bad sunburn?

I got this cream from the dermatologist (it's new and stronger than my older one) and I had just gotten it, and put on a little bit then put on face sunscreen and went outside for a garage sale my family was doing then went outside and swam in my pool. Then went inside with a super bad face sunburn. And it just burned. Then the next day (yesterday) my nose started peeling and I put this moisturizer on it and it made it look a little better for this late b-day party for me last night. Then this morning, I woke up and almost my whole face was peeling!!!!! Besides my cheeks but on the sides of my nose so pretty much my whole face! Even my eye lids (a tiny bit) and it hurts when I touch my eye lids. I was my face every day since the burn. And dabbed it with a wet cold wash cloth. And at night I clean my face with this cleanser called "cetaphil" I also got that from the dermatology office! And I'm fed up with this peely skin!!! I look like crap!!!!! I need it gone by next week. Im going to this fourth of July party. And like 2 days after that my family is going on a 2 week vacation to Colorado, Iowa and to visit friends there I have not seen in a couple years and i want to look pretty not peely!!!!! Anybody got any ideas how to get rid of the peeling?

When is vampire diaries coming back on?

im in love with vampire diaries and i just watch the season finale As I Lay dieing and when will it come back on !!!!!!!!!! please help


So here is the story ,i had a copper coil IUD fitted 5years ago and i have suffered ernomous side effects from thrush severe moods swings suicidal thoughts severely emotional you name it ,sometimes i will feel like i'm definately preggos all the symptoms from A to Z i've gone fron size 8 to 14 hence going to the gym 3days a week since i had the coil rang Doctors and they told me i have to go on a waiting list to get it out so today in the shower just looked at my huge waist and i pulled it out to be honest i had no pain whatsoever So the question is what to expect,when do my body start function normally i was fed up of being a monster to everyone i can feel the difference already i'm already positive.Thanks For Your Help

Did you watch the newest South Park episode? 'You're Getting Old' Episode 7 Season 15?

It is not the end. Episodes are already scheduled to air on the following dates: October 5, 9, 12, 19, 26, and November 2, 9, and 16. Do not worry. The facts being stated, I believe that they will most likely try and make a joke by brushing this episode off like it was a bad dream after making the world wait for a few months. As long as there are viewers, there will be episodes, so watch South Park and you will not be dissapointed.

How many times does a contestant preform on America's got talent?

I know there are about 32 episodes, how many times does each person preform up until the finale ( Last Episode ) if they contestant lets say made it ?

Why is sine vertical and cosine horizontal?

In projectile motion when let's say a rocket is launched at 34 degrees you have to find the vertical and horizontal components.But why do you have to use sine for vertical and cosine for horizontal?

OLTL: Is Natalie genuinely starting to get over John?

Natalie doesn't know that Liam is John's. I read in the spoilers that when he does find out Liam is his, he professes his love to Natalie and they share a kiss. I dont want OLTL to end, its one of my favorite SO's but it does seem like Natalie and John are going to be the end couple, they have been through so much it only seems fair.

What song from Love Games is this?

I was watching the Love Games Season 2 finale on Oxygen and there was a song near the middle that kept repeating the word rush.

Is South Park going to end soon?

On Wednesday night, (6/8) They had their mid-season finale. The episode ended in a strange way that seems like the series can change drastically. I heard that the eipsode was a metaphor to the creator's feeling about the show, just a piece of crap. Are they really going to end the show soon??

What is a good PDF converter for Finale manuscripts?

I use Cute PDF when I'm on my laptop at work with Windows, but another good option is It's a whole suite of free office programs. In their Word equivalent, you can export to PDF. I never upgraded to the new Microsoft Office Suite so I can't open up the new .docx format. But you can in

How do I make a youtube video where the music plays with the sheet music?

I want to make the music play with it playing with the sheet music, but I don't have finale, I have Musescore, and I looked at the example on how to make it, but I didn't understand it at all, If you could explain it better, or show me how, or send a link that would be great, sorry if this make me ignorant

Who will you blame when the u.s troops in iraq rebel?

Although there is a plan to withdraw them in the end of this year but it will not be performed as the iraqi revolution would begin any moment then the u.s troops will have to be involved in the streets combats again and they already fed up and dont have a worthy reason to fight and waste time and life in iraq for.

Friends I need your help...?

Hi.. This is surya from chennai.. I am residing in a deluxe apartment. Actually I was very trust ful to my girlfriend. But due to her family situation she left me and she married someone. I was in very much depression.. I lost everything. Only one plus point i dont have any bad habits like smoke & drink.. I am unable to forget her and her memories. In these situation my aunts daughter spoke to me about her project works. she wants to stay in chennai for 2 months.. I said you can stay in house. I will stay in my friend’s house for some time. and I said we will find a good partner for you. we will collect some rent from her.. she said ok. I had given add in one newspaper like need roommate to stay in delux appartment. after one week one girl contacted me and she said she wants to see the house. I said my cousin will join next month only. if you want you can come and see the house. she said ok. she came and saw the house. She was looking like model, cine artist.. she is from north. She told me that she lost her parents when she was 3. she said she likes this place very much. please dnt give this place to anyone. I said ok.. Then she keep on forwarded some massages to me like gud morning kind of msgs. one day she called me and said my friend is not well I have to take her to hospital. I need 5000 very urgent I will give you when i join to your accommadation. I gave 5000. after that she messaged me like if you are free means we will meet in coffee shop. I said ok. then she wants to go to some temple she took her too. but each and every time she collecting some money for her expenses. Unfortunately my cousin got transferred to Bangalore for her project works. . after two week this girl contacted me she said when you cosine is coming. I told her she got changed her plan. So she will not coming. .. She said I have some problems in her home. She have to come out immediately. I told her if you like to stay in anna nagar you can stay with me. I don’t have any problem. She told me that “ I may die.. but I don’t stay with a guy”. Next time I met her in coffee shop. She said I want to buy something in super market. I need your help. I had spent a lot on the day. After long back she called me and told me that I want to stay in your house immediately. I am on the way to your house. Please be there. . she came with her luckages. I was shocked. I told her I will find a good place for you. You can stay there. She said I dnt want to go out. I will be here only. She is said she is a film artist.. lots of famous hindi and tamil heros are her friends. She said her uncle is biggest vip in indian cricket team. She said if you want to watch cricket match please tell me. I will give you vip passes. She gave and I saw some matches with v.i.p’s. She acted in some add films. Now she is going to signup for some movies. She always wearing short dresses.. You can see everything. It more increases my sexual feelings. But sometimes I was not feeling comfortable with her. She is smoking in my home nearly 1 pocket per day. AC keep on running. And she never sleep in the night. She will go in the evening and she will be back in the midnight. Keep on watching tv and keep on chating with her friends. She will sleep in the morning only. I am spending per day rs.1000 for her. She said one famous film star is fallen love with me and all. I had seen some photos of her with famous tamil film heros in parties. She is sleeping in my bed. I am sleeping down the bed in floor. I proposed her. She said already she has a boyfriend. Her activities is keep on creating more sexual moods in my mind.. But I am very much afraid. But she is allowing me to touch her hands legs. She is touching my chest and all. I don’t know what kind of girl she is. Some times she never adjust her dresses. She is almost wearing short trousers. I am unable to control my self. I am keep on spending a lot for her. She will take cashes from my pockets.. I know very well she never marry me. Or love me. And I am very much know she will never return back my cash and all.. I am just 24. She said She is 22. But I saw her mark sheet in this her date of birth is 1981. Almost 30. Her name is different. Community is different. Why she is like this?.. If she has a boyfriend means why she is staying with me?. If her uncle is biggest rich man means why she is taking money from this poor man?. She has lots of richest friends why she is asking help from me?. I doing all this to her.. living and spending like husband and wife... I controlled my self many times. I didn’t see her in any bad view. One of my apartment people asked me that who is this girl ?. Ask her wear some decent dress?.. I said she is my cousine. Came for some interviews. She will leave soon. I asked her to wear some decent dresses. She said I wont change my decision. I am living in city.. I will be like this only. I told her I found a good place for you.. You can go and stay there. She said no. .

Friends I need your help...?

Hi.. This is surya from chennai.. I am residing in a deluxe apartment. Actually I was very trust ful to my girlfriend. But due to her family situation she left me and she married someone. I was in very much depression.. I lost everything. Only one plus point i dont have any bad habits like smoke & drink.. I am unable to forget her and her memories. In these situation my aunts daughter spoke to me about her project works. she wants to stay in chennai for 2 months.. I said you can stay in house. I will stay in my friend’s house for some time. and I said we will find a good partner for you. we will collect some rent from her.. she said ok. I had given add in one newspaper like need roommate to stay in delux appartment. after one week one girl contacted me and she said she wants to see the house. I said my cousin will join next month only. if you want you can come and see the house. she said ok. she came and saw the house. She was looking like model, cine artist.. she is from north. She told me that she lost her parents when she was 3. she said she likes this place very much. please dnt give this place to anyone. I said ok.. Then she keep on forwarded some massages to me like gud morning kind of msgs. one day she called me and said my friend is not well I have to take her to hospital. I need 5000 very urgent I will give you when i join to your accommadation. I gave 5000. after that she messaged me like if you are free means we will meet in coffee shop. I said ok. then she wants to go to some temple she took her too. but each and every time she collecting some money for her expenses. Unfortunately my cousin got transferred to Bangalore for her project works. . after two week this girl contacted me she said when you cosine is coming. I told her she got changed her plan. So she will not coming. .. She said I have some problems in her home. She have to come out immediately. I told her if you like to stay in anna nagar you can stay with me. I don’t have any problem. She told me that “ I may die.. but I don’t stay with a guy”. Next time I met her in coffee shop. She said I want to buy something in super market. I need your help. I had spent a lot on the day. After long back she called me and told me that I want to stay in your house immediately. I am on the way to your house. Please be there. . she came with her luckages. I was shocked. I told her I will find a good place for you. You can stay there. She said I dnt want to go out. I will be here only. She is said she is a film artist.. lots of famous hindi and tamil heros are her friends. She said her uncle is biggest vip in indian cricket team. She said if you want to watch cricket match please tell me. I will give you vip passes. She gave and I saw some matches with v.i.p’s. She acted in some add films. Now she is going to signup for some movies. She always wearing short dresses.. You can see everything. It more increases my sexual feelings. But sometimes I was not feeling comfortable with her. She is smoking in my home nearly 1 pocket per day. AC keep on running. And she never sleep in the night. She will go in the evening and she will be back in the midnight. Keep on watching tv and keep on chating with her friends. She will sleep in the morning only. I am spending per day rs.1000 for her. She said one famous film star is fallen love with me and all. I had seen some photos of her with famous tamil film heros in parties. She is sleeping in my bed. I am sleeping down the bed in floor. I proposed her. She said already she has a boyfriend. Her activities is keep on creating more sexual moods in my mind.. But I am very much afraid. But she is allowing me to touch her hands legs. She is touching my chest and all. I don’t know what kind of girl she is. Some times she never adjust her dresses. She is almost wearing short trousers. I am unable to control my self. I am keep on spending a lot for her. She will take cashes from my pockets.. I know very well she never marry me. Or love me. And I am very much know she will never return back my cash and all.. I am just 24. She said She is 22. But I saw her mark sheet in this her date of birth is 1981. Almost 30. Her name is different. Community is different. Why she is like this?.. If she has a boyfriend means why she is staying with me?. If her uncle is biggest rich man means why she is taking money from this poor man?. She has lots of richest friends why she is asking help from me?. I doing all this to her.. living and spending like husband and wife... I controlled my self many times. I didn’t see her in any bad view. One of my apartment people asked me that who is this girl ?. Ask her wear some decent dress?.. I said she is my cousine. Came for some interviews. She will leave soon. I asked her to wear some decent dresses. She said I wont change my decision. I am living in city.. I will be like this only. I told her I found a good place for you.. You can go and stay there. She said no. .

What is wrong with my puppy?

my puppy wasn't eating Sunday and she was moving around less than she use to (she is very hyper) so we cook up some meat and cornmeal for her when she finally ate she was back to her old natural self running barking and playin. yesterday she fed her again but later in the evening i notice she vomited up little of the food and her stool was soft and little watery but she was still little active and barking. now today i went to check up on her and i saw white foamy vomit and little of the food she ate, what could be wrong with her ?im cooking some rice for her will that help?