Sunday, July 10, 2011

My face is peeling from bad sunburn?

I got this cream from the dermatologist (it's new and stronger than my older one) and I had just gotten it, and put on a little bit then put on face sunscreen and went outside for a garage sale my family was doing then went outside and swam in my pool. Then went inside with a super bad face sunburn. And it just burned. Then the next day (yesterday) my nose started peeling and I put this moisturizer on it and it made it look a little better for this late b-day party for me last night. Then this morning, I woke up and almost my whole face was peeling!!!!! Besides my cheeks but on the sides of my nose so pretty much my whole face! Even my eye lids (a tiny bit) and it hurts when I touch my eye lids. I was my face every day since the burn. And dabbed it with a wet cold wash cloth. And at night I clean my face with this cleanser called "cetaphil" I also got that from the dermatology office! And I'm fed up with this peely skin!!! I look like crap!!!!! I need it gone by next week. Im going to this fourth of July party. And like 2 days after that my family is going on a 2 week vacation to Colorado, Iowa and to visit friends there I have not seen in a couple years and i want to look pretty not peely!!!!! Anybody got any ideas how to get rid of the peeling?

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