Sunday, July 10, 2011

I feel like i need to like end it now?

I dont know I really don't so much had been going on and I have been waiting too long for the phycatrist to give me an apointment with them to be acessed and its getting annoying because my moods are all over the place and I don't know which way to go or who to talk too. I feel so angry and irratable right now and people have angered me alot recently and every one has went "just think positive just ignore it" so the more I try ignore it the more I get angry because its stuck in my head and because there is nothing i can do i get even more irrated and angry. Doc ushaly think i have behavoural problems but I dont i am a nice girl but its just some days I switch and my moods are everywere and i feel like there are too sides...I feel like ending it all because i dont think i can cope anymore i know its natural to feel a little down sometimes but i get to a point i just wanna die and i know everyone goes through bad relationships and stuff but am the type that the smallest amount of stress pisses me off and upsets me, my ex got fed up because of my moods and when he was going to take me back he ended up pissing off with his ex who cheated on him and left me hanging and he knew what I was going through and still he didn't care and said loads of things that upset me and tried to put the blame on me when he was the one putting me through alot and also one of his ex's is 6 months pregnant and if it turns out to be his then it proves he was cheating on me but he still denies cheating. I dunno anymore I left college due to these moods and amfinding it hard to find work and my apearance is getting worse i just look a state now...someone help

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