Thursday, July 14, 2011

Huge fight. what to do next :(?

Ok so me and my cosine just hashed it out. to sum it up she said things to me via text that offended me so when i emailed her about it she did nothing but say idc and chill then i find out it wasn't even her saying that. Then we emailed more and I fought with the actual her. In the end she said she didn't mean to make me feel that way and i understood. Now here is the problem. I love her to death we are so close but lately we have been in many fights and each of us has caused each other damage and i just don't know how much more i canT take its exhausting. We are so close, then while apart talking to each other by email or text we sometimes drive each other crazy.... sometimes for hours,days, even a week once. I just can't take all the fighting im not sure what to do. do i talk to her less or try to move past it AGAIN :( HELP

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