Saturday, July 9, 2011

How do I get methodical and attentive to detail?

This is usually a talent or an intelligence that someone is naturally born with. Yes, you can train your self to become more analytical, but unless it is something you enjoy doing all the time, it won't work out. I am a very analytical person, to the point where i wont even read a book if the descriptions arn't good enough because it frustrates me. I analyze everything; from the way people talk, move, social rituals, even my own thought process, it drives the few people I am close to crazy because sometimes it makes me very hard to understand and relate to. Most people who are like this do not have very good social lives, because they analyze there own relationships to much. The key to being good and noticing and reading details is to be as objective as humanly possible. We are all biased to everything we perceive. It is biologically impossible not to be, however, you must make sure that you never let your emotions help you in a deducing details and connecting things. Remember the entire reason for paying attention to the details isn't to see the details themselves, but to make the connections between the details to come to a conclusion. That's how you read people, things, and the universe in general.

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